
AP: Mazedoniens Namensänderung von Einwohner kritisiert

Das Parlament von Mazedonien hat am Freitag den Weg für eine Umbenennung des Landes in “Republik Nordmazedonien” freigemacht. Der Balkanstaat soll demnach in Zukunft Nord-Mazedonien heissen. Der Nachbar Griechenland besteht wegen seiner gleichnamigen Provinz im Norden des Landes seit fast drei Jahrzehnten auf die Namensänderung. Als Druckmittel hatte Athen jede Annäherung Mazedoniens an die Nato und EU blockiert.

20.10.18 - 11:10 Uhr



Thessaloniki - 20 October 2018

1. Various of statue of ancient Macedonian King Philip II, near the White Tower

2. White Tower of Thessaloniki

3. Various of statue and sign reading (Greek): «Ancient Macedonia King Philip II»

4. Newspaper headline reading (Greek): «Night of orgy (meaning long night) in Skopje»

5. Newspaper headline reading (Greek): «Bargaining until the end in Skopje»

6. Wide of kiosk

7. SOUNDBITE (Greek) Stavros Iakovides, 34-year-old resident of Thessaloniki:

«This is totally unconstitutional and totally wrong for our country. Exactly this. There is information that money was given to the other eight (opposition lawmakers who voted in support of proposal) to be convinced. All this is anything but positive for our country.»

8. Various of Greek Ministry of Macedonia and Thrace

9. SOUNDBITE (Greek) Yiannis Parcharides, 77-year-old resident of Thessaloniki:

«The Greek parliament shouldn't vote for this, but all I can see is they are cohesive in order not to loose their seats and they will vote for it.»

10. Various of street scenes, man fishing

11. SOUNDBITE (Greek) Paraskevi Feggara, 24-year-old resident of Thessaloniki:

«I totally disagree with this decision. I think that the (Greek) prime minister doesn't support his people, but he supports foreign people. I don't say this racistly, I just think it's the wrong attitude.»

12. Various of statue of King Alexander the Great


Residents in northern Greece on Saturday blasted lawmakers in Macedonia for backing a landmark proposal to amend the constitution, allowing the country to change its name and join NATO.

They also accused Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of ignoring the will of the Greek people after he congratulated his counterpart, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev.

With strong backing from Western leaders, Zaev is leading a campaign to rename his country North Macedonia, resolving a longstanding dispute with Greece that will allow the country to join the military alliance.

Friday's parliament session was delayed for more than 10 hours amid a heated confrontation.

Lawmakers eventually voted in favour of the proposal - a key step in accepting the name change deal struck with neighbouring Greece in June.

The name change would end a 27-year dispute with Greece, which claims its neighbour's current name implies claims on its own adjoining province of Macedonia, and on ancient Greek heritage.

Many Greeks, especially in northern Greece, oppose the deal and have repeatedly taken to the streets to voice their opposition.

Following Friday's vote, the amendment process must formally start within the next two weeks.

Zaev would have been forced to call an early election if the government had lost the vote.

Athens has said it will block Macedonia's accession to NATO and the European Union unless it goes ahead with the constitutional amendments.

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